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my name is Willy-Billy Würger (Strangler) (it is not my debt that I got this name, but I try to do so as often as possible). My profession is: teddy bear (do not laugh, this is a hard job at grumbler family).

Smokey and I are the biggest bears at Brummbärs (Grumblers) house. For this reason we have the pleasure to present you the complete bears population at Grumbler family.

In the year 2000 Grumbler family had their holidays in USA. At the Ute Mountain Casino they found and "caught" the black bear lady Smokey Blackfoot (Smokey because she is related to the fireman SMOKEY). Smokey is an Indian bear of the tribe of the Ute Indians. Greetings to the whole tribe!

Smokey and I married at Juli 06.2002. Grumbler family presented us two wedding rings.

I am Willy-Billy Würger
I am Smokey Blackfoot - Greetings to all Ute Indians!

I am Willy-Billy Würger

I am Smokey Blackfoot
Whenever Smokey sees this photo of Fishing Bridge at Yellowstone-National Park she is homesick!
Fishing Bridge in Yellowstone National Park
Whenever she sees a photo of her dad, nobody can brake her: Amelica, Amelica!
Smokey Blackfoots dad at his job
At December 06.2002 Smokey got a baby. It has a pale brown pelt. His name is Baloo. Meanwhile Baloo is a teenager and Smokey has a lot of work with him. He angers everybody even Grumbler family. Smokey takes care of kindly for her Baloo. Sometimes she is even no longer homesick.
  Hi, my name is Baloo. I am a teenager and mum  has a lot of work with me.